How long until Health and Wellness?

When we're unwell, many of us ask this simple question: How long will it take for me to return to health and wellness? Everyone is an individual and we all have very different personality types and approaches to life.

As a general rule of thumb the more dynamic a person you are, the more motivated and less afraid of emotional catharsis you are then the faster you will experience changes and shifts towards the health and wellness you desire. The longer you have had a physical condition or been suffering from emotional difficulties the longer it will take for you to return to health and wellness - simply because all the habitual patterns of behavior, thought, beliefs, along with stuck emotions, become more and more entrenched over time and will need more time to peel away. My approach is to be guided by you, the client - this is your healing journey and it needs to be at a pace that you are comfortable with. My philosophy is the opposite of no pain no gain! So often the reason why we have created disease in our bodies or are suffering from emotional conflict is to protect ourselves in someway from something or some life experience that has been too harsh, painful and overwhelming so it is vitally important that as we are taking steps to heal old wounds we be very gentle and respectful towards the old armoring that has just been trying to protect us. The more gently we can go the better and you will be the best judge of the pace you need. My role is just to facilitate your healing journey, to support and encourage you and shine the light on the truth of who you really are. 

Family Constellation Workshop

Family Constellation is a unique way to gain deeper understanding of any issue we may have. Without being aware of it sometimes we carry issues that are not ours, issues that instead originated generations ago within our family line. Often when an issue remains unresolved despite our efforts to overcome it the solution can often be found by looking through a Constellation at what has been energetically passed down from one generation to the next. The unseen driving forces behind our issues often have their roots in our family of origin and are often linked to entanglements and unconscious loyalties to our ancestors whether dead or alive. Once these are brought to light in the unique way that a Constellation offers these unhealthy attachments and loyalties can be released and love can begin to flow in healthy ways again.....harmony being established once again to both seeker and their extended family system. This work is profound and touches not just ourselves on the deepest levels of the soul but ripples out to affect all our ancestors in beneficial and healing ways. Constellations are not limited to just personal family of origin issues, any issue can be illuminated through this unique method of inquiry ranging from relationship, health, trauma, nature, and even business issues. I am offering an introductory evening explaining what Family Constellation work Saturday evening for anyone who is curious to know more and there will also be a live demonstration of a couple of constellations as well.
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Creating Abundance

I ran this one day retreat twice last year in the spring and fall and was delighted with the feedback from attendees; those who applied all the principles have fed back to me "it works"!!

One baby, a soul mate and many other manifestations of abundance were created by attending this retreat and so I have decided to make this an annual offering to my community, clients and fellow seekers on the path to living a life of joy and abundance.

Life was meant to be joyous!!!

If you would like to discover the ancient secrets to creating abundance and living magically then this is the retreat for you. During the day you will gain understanding of the universal principles that under pin all that we experience in life giving you the freedom to consciously create the life you want.

Through guided meditation and self inquiry processes you will uncover old limiting beliefs, and hidden unconscious patterns that have acted like silent saboteurs and blocked you creating what you truly want in life.

I read a lovely saying recently....keep a green tree in your heart and a singing bird will come. Come join me in cultivating your green tree in your heart!

The next retreat will happen on Sunday 27th May OR Monday 28th May 2012, from 10am - 4pm. The cost ($75) includes retreat notes and coaching follow up support. Pre- registration is required for this small group experience, maximum of 10 people.

Accident Trauma Removed with EFT

Barbara came to see me 7 weeks after her terrible accident at the local ski hill when she lacerated her liver, punctured a lung and broke ribs after hitting a tree at high speed. Her major injuries had healed but she was still suffering from scar tissue preventing her from taking a full breath, was physically and emotionally exhausted and hadn't been sleeping well at all. 

When she walked slowly into my office the first thing that hit me immediately was that she was still in shock. She was holding herself in a very guarded protective manner and it was obvious to me her whole body was still vibrating with the frequency of shock and trauma. There is an immense energy of vulnerability and fragility that radiates from a person who is traumatized and so often this trauma gets locked into the body in a frozen response which continues until the orginal tramatic event can be released. 

My homeopathic training taught me to always look for the root cause of whatever a person presents with symptom wise. For Barbara the trauma was obvious....made worse by the necessary medical intervention she had experienced in the aftermath of her accident. Morphine for pain control, x rays, cat scan, chest tube, antibiotics and 3 days of being strapped to a hard board (very claustrophobic) all added to the tramatic load on her mind, body and spirit. 

She described her nervous system as "jangling" and she felt unusually insecure and needy. Normally able to sleep well she had been having trouble falling asleep and then once asleep she was waking lots. Her appetite was not back either "nothimg tasted right". 

Where to start? prescribing homeopathic remedy arnica for physical trauma and aconite for emotional shock. Thios was given to dissolve scar tissue and pulsatilla, nux vom and chelidonium were given to support her liver both in its recovery from the trauma and to help with detoxing from all the meds. I also gave her coffea, passiflora and valerian in homeopathic potency to help soothe her nervous system and help restore her sleep.

But before she left I was keen to release some of her original trauma using EFT. The emotional freedom technique has had remarkable results with vietnam war veterians suffering from PTSD flushing out 30 years of flashbacks where nothing else had helped. Using a technique called rolling back the camera I asked Barbara to recall what she remembered just prior to the accident and to let me know as soon as she noticed any emotional charge. We then did a round of tapping (tapping on specific meridian points whilst focusing on the emotion or thought) on each layer of emotion that she recalled. It was astonishing to see how many layers of intense emotion were literally packed into what could only have been seconds from the point where she realised something bad was going to happen to when she hit the tree. Evidence that time does indeed slow down at times of extreme truama. One after the other we peeled away the layers.....fear, helplessness, vulnerabilty to name but a few. We kept on going until she was completely emptied out, until she could recall those few moments without any emotional charge at all. She felt exhausted and tired but in a different way to since the accident. It takes an awful lot of energy to contain so much trauma and once we'd given her mind body and spirit permission to switch off the fight and flight button she could finally begin to let go and relax. I had a feeling she was going to sleep really really well that night.

A few days later I was astonished to almost completely walk past her in the street ~ I didn't recognise her as the same person who slowly shuffled into my office! She was looking bright eyed and bushy tailed and was walking with a relaxed posture and a big smile on her face! The shock and trauma had completely gone. She reported having gone home and gone straight to bed and slept like a log all night long! Yeah!! And in the days that followed she really felt she was finally turning the corner and more like her old self again. Her sleep had improved and she no longer felt she needed to guard and protect her body anymore. She was delighted.

It was my turn to be in shock!!! And happy to be so impressed with how effective EFT is in removing old trauma for people fast and permanently.

(Many thanks to Barbara Ulrich who gave me permission to share her success story with you) 

Pain released after 40 years

The following was written by Laurel B, a Munay Holistics client. 

The Journey -  a powerful process that is helping me survive the loss of my old life and leading me towards a new one.  I am not through the tunnel yet.

My life seemed perfect as 2011 began:  what I thought was a perfect marriage, loving husband, beautiful child, successful career.   

True – I have always had emotional problems and struggled with anxiety, worry, and an unexplainable apprehension.   But I recognized how lucky I was to have such a loving family, financial security, and good health.  And spring 2011 was very happy.  Then things began to shift.  Messengers of change and light began appearing in my life, childhood losses and pain began to surface, and my emotional state began to change.  Tears were a constant part of my consciousness.   I tried the journey as an academic experiment, as one of many attempts to understand what was happening.

The first journey brought me to the core of anger from my childhood, at the injustices of childhood prejudice and intimidation and bullying that had shaped my fear of the world and my low self esteem.   The next day I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from me, but the tears remained.  Anger began to surface and move through me as if my entire world was falling to pieces, but I couldn’t explain why.  4 days later I caught my husband of 14 years in an affair.  He turned physically and emotionally abusive, and left our home.  The next few months my emotional state worsened in an odd way.  Rather than anger at my husband, I felt an overwhelming panic and fear, hysteria at the thought of him being gone.  Having grown up without a father, I was consciously completely comfortable with the “one parent” home, and couldn’t understand where the panic was coming from. 

When I reached a point of being unable to control the hysteria I went to try another Journey,  desperate to find a solution.     

What happened was unexpected and almost beyond verbal description.  The abandonment of my husband became the death of my father when I was 6 years old.  I lived the panic, the hysteria that I did not express as a child, held in safety by my Journey mentor and Loving Spirit Liza.   My father was released from the binds that had held him here for 40 years.  I said goodbye.  

The panic, fear, hysteria disappeared instantaneously.  The gloom and shadow that has covered me my entire life is no longer here.   Now all I feel is the appropriate grief and sadness at the loss of my husband and marriage.  Even the desperate financial situation is causing only minor concern.  Happiness hasn’t arrived in my life, not yet.  But I am now walking through a perfectly explainable grief pattern experiencing appropriate reactions and clarity of emotions.

With each successive Journey old tragedies and wounds are being healed and I am awakening to realize that there is a beautiful future in store for me.  

I don’t think that there is a way to predict what you will uncover during a Journey into the inner place in your body and soul – but the pure love that exists there can be trusted to heal you and set you on a path to the beautiful life you were created to live.

Happy Abundant 2012!

I want to wish everyone a very happy new year ~ this big year of so much anticipation! 2012 is here at last. A time of prophesy, of east and west coming together, of the potential for us all to consciously co-create the life we want.....for ourselves personally but also most essentially one that is in harmony with Pachamama, Mother Earth, Gaia. We are the change we've been waiting to see in the world!
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Fall-ing In

Fall is the time of the Air Element in ancient Ayurvedic tradition and is responsible for the wind that begins to blow within us as our focus shifts from the Fire element of Summer with all it’s outward busy-ness, as we find ourselves drawn mysteriously inwards again and we begin to become aware of an inner restlessness stirring within.

Air and fall are times of preparation and great importance as they begin to stir up the sediment at the bottom of the lake bringing to the surface anything we need to take into the bear like time of introspection of Winter and the Earth element that inevitably follows.

Once I consciously woke up to this natural seasonal flow that was all around me and went on regardless of whether or not I was aware of it, I found I naturally, and effortlessly began to harmonize with it rather than run my old familiar script of going into battle with that unsettled feeling of sadness that Fall brought with it (Why can’t summer holidays last forever Mum? Do I have to go back to school?!) And so I noticed my life process began to flow more effortlessly, and a new richness entered my life. After all what we resists persists and the carefree abandon of summer cannot last forever right?

So for me, now, Fall is a special time ~ a time of endings and harvesting the summer’s bounty and preparing for the start of the new cycle of death to my old self and renewal that I know will surely follow suit. The perfect time to offer you all exciting opportunities, to join me in jumping in to explore with conscious awareness all the treasures waiting to be discovered within your own ‘Fall Inner Stirrings’.

What is beginning to stir within you?

What is the air shaking loose? What are you feeling restless about?

What are your inner winds bringing up for your attention?

I look forward so much to any way I can support you on your life’s path this fall, as the magic of the season begins to make itself known to you.

Wise Compassion

I get Peggy McColl's daily quotes come into my inbox every day and with regularity the synchronistic nature of their messages leaves me speechless and feeling as if held by some invisible universal benevolent force that is looking out for me and guiding me along my path. On fridays she posts a "Friday Story" and to be honest most weeks I don't have time to read them, but the past couple of weeks I have and todays brought tears to my eyes....
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What happens in an EFT session?

Similar to a Journey process, we will begin with discussing what the issue is you would like freedom from.

Once the core of the issue has been identified we will begin the tapping sequence whilst saying out loud words or sentences that relate to your issue, and invoking the emotion or thought or belief that is causing you distress. Usually only one or two rounds of the tapping sequence are enough to release this top layer and commonly what comes up are any more deeply buried layers that have been underlying this issue. We peel away layers one at a time until you are all emptied out and come to a natural place of complete freedom from that issue. This usually only takes an hour to an hour and a half depending on how complex the issue is but this is usually sufficient time to completely root out your issue and leave you bathing in freedom. Once an issue is gone people usually look back over the original problem with either puzzlement or laughter; the emotional charge of an hour ago has literally all gone ~ miraculously.  In all the years of experience doing EFT with clients I have never had anyone come back and say that an emotion, belief, trauma or memory that we tapped away and found emotional freedom from during the session has returned. Once it’s gone its gone! This is what I find so amazing about this technique; once an issue has been cleared it is gone for good, it’s been released from your energy system and you are given emotional freedom from that issue forever.

Sometimes people mistake what can be satellite issues for the old issue coming back, but on deeper exploration it is never the old issue come back, just other layers connected to that original issue coming up for freedom too. Again I am available after a session should you need some support in integrating the changes or should other deeper issues rise to the surface now you have cleared away what was covering them up.

Orders of Love

I've spent the spring and summer training in a new modality I am excited to tell you about called Family Constellations and am now offering this as another service to my clients. I'll use the words of two experienced facilitators in this work to describe what it is to you, no need to re invent the wheel as they do such a good job of putting into words what is so indescribable ~ to 'get it' fully one must experience this work for themselves. Hope you will come dip your toe in with me soon!
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