New! Metamorphosis ~ using Constellation Magic!

Launching on March 7th begins a new condensed version of my Art of Transformation course.

This offering is 5 weeks long and consists of:

The first evening is spent cultivating a container of trust, as well as getting clear on our prayer of intention, and teasing out any old limiting beliefs attached to our desires.

The following 4 weeks we dive into Constellations held within the sacred group space we will have created together.

Expect deep transformation alongside comradery and sacred community!

If you would like to know more contact Liza at or call her on 250 344 5206!

In Person ~ Art of Transformation Course back for Fall 2023!

It’s back…The Art of Transformation is happening this Fall 2023!

If you are feeling stuck and ready to transform some area of your life you may want to check out this popular course.

Come experience a deep dive into creating alchemical transformation within the safety of a group of like minded souls. This is the stuff of life long friendships being forged and sacred reciprocity being demonstrated as the group holds space for your deepest desires to become manifest.

Find out all about it by going to The Art of Transformation website page

Dates: 19th October 2023 to 21st December 2023

Place: Liza’s cosy home!

Art of Transformation Course now available Online!

“If you don’t have a dream…how you gonna have a dream come true?” song lyrics from Happy Talk by Captain Sensible

For years now its been a dream of mine to convert my in person Art of Transformation coaching course into an Online offering ~ and I’m happy to say a gift of the pandemic for me was it gave me the time away from other distractions of busy life to focus my energy and CREATE IT!

I am delighted to say…..its ready!

If you wish to learn some tools to navigate these challenging times this Course will deliver!

Are you going stir crazy with all the restrictions in your outer world, finding yourself with lots of spare energy but not sure how to channel it?

Art of T will get you focused and show you how to transform your life from the inside out!

Check out what a past participant had to say about it! Justice Vezina....“Liza! She is an amazing teacher, so kind and gentle but can really dig into the crap that's holding you back in life so you can move forward! Liza was so supportive though out the process of this course and she helped me out so much! 

I'd recommend The Art of Transformation to anyone looking to improve their lives! This course is a wonderful opportunity for anyone who wants to learn, grow and heal. Liza is one of the most beautiful human beings I have ever met. You can tell that she really knows what she is teaching. She is kind, intelligent, patient, selfless, strong and so many more things. Liza is the real deal, she is an amazing teacher/healer.  Yes! Liza can guide you into seeing the things that are holding you back so that you can build a better life for yourself.

The constellation work was seriously ground breaking in this course. I still don't quite understand how it works but it is a powerful healing tool. Participating in the course has not only positively changed my life but it has improved my families life as well! Thank you so much Liza!"

For more details go to my website Art of Transformation Course page or contact me at for a complimentary call to find out if this is a fit for you.

I’m living proof its possible to transform! Once the shyest girl at school, and techy unsavvy…I managed to blast through so many limiting beliefs about myself to master the skills needed to create this course. All the while motivated by my deep desire to serve others on a spiritual path of growth seeking transformation.

“Argue for your limitations ~ and they are yours!” Richard Bach, Illusions.

Hope to see you jump on board!

Liza xox

ps. introductory offer half price $165 for a limited time only!

My Journey Home amidst the Chaos!

Dear Soul Family, we all are, being extraordinarily tested on every level right now! And despite the enormous fear running rampant I also feel the LOVE......the deep realization in the cracks between fear that 'we are in this together' and together we will get through it! I feel that love is actually... all around!

I had an extraordinary day last Tuesday 17th I will always remember. Just like we know exactly where we were when we heard of the plane hitting the twin towers, I will always remember this day. The day I flew back to Canada in the midst of Corona Virus Pandemonium.

Having chosen to fly back to the UK to visit family and friends on the 1st of March for a month (am trusting this was also part of a Divine Plan but more about that some other time!) I was rapidly swept into the ever-increasing alarm as the virus took hold. As things became more and more serious, I realized I needed to try and fly home before the end of the month, because I'd need to self isolate for 14 days before returning to work. So began the frantic navigation of trying to get through to my airline (mission impossible!) then navigate the financial decision do I bite the bullet and spend an absolute fortune ($2,800.00) on a flight back sooner. Can I justify the cost? 

But what if I get stuck in the UK for months, unable to keep counselling all the people dependent on my support, and unable to keep earning an income.......

Was I worth it? Was my safety important? Could I justify spending that amount of money?

My mind a whirl...

If I didn't get back I'd be burdening my family and friends ...possibly putting them in more risk of catching the virus.....and for all I know maybe I had already caught it from the flight over and unknowingly carrying it......crazy making thoughts raced through my mind!

But the biggest test was leaving my loved ones behind to return to Canada.... all my maternal instincts were saying stay, take care of your Brother and friends...we are all in it together. Yet how do I split myself in half.... what about loved ones in Canada ... the people I love most in the world both in the UK and in Canada......

No doubt a dilemma lots of you will also be having to make in the coming days, weeks ... should I go to the grocery store, to work, to visit my elderly relative...or not?

I had to curb this instinct fueled from limbic flooding and find my logical brain......wait for the emotions to calm so my prefrontal cortex rationale could come back on board. It made most sense to keep myself financially stable, in work so I could support those I love more effectively. Albeit from a distance.

Like the your oxygen mask first, before putting on the child's....

So, I bit the bullet, got my credit card out and bought the earliest direct flight to Calgary. Tuesday 17th March!

My lovely friends in the UK urged me to get home fast, my lovely friends in Golden were awesome ... rallied with offers to get groceries in for me and stock up my fridge.... I felt so LOVED and cared about! My ex Art had offered to pick me up in Banff, but I became increasingly scared of exposing him as he has a compromised immune system so I SOS texted my dear friend Nancy to ask her a huge favor, would she drive out in convoy with Art so he could leave my car there, and bring him back! She was ON IT right away.....cos she has a  big heart and lives from the truth that LOVE IS ALL THAT MATTERS!!

Fast forward to Heathrow dear friend Sally, my old school friend who I'd been staying with (her family adopted me for Xmas's a few years ago, thank you so much Sally you truly are a Human Angel on this planet!) had driven me to the airport. She was coming in to see me off and just check the flight was still running. We emerged from the car park into the airport full of people with masks on big wide eyes bulging from sockets and a strange pensiveness with an energy I am still trying to figure out. Shock I think.... like the dazed look of a deer caught in the headlights.

I turned to Sally right away and said......" You stop here and go back now. I will be alright.... I don't want you exposed to all these people and potential risk." She looked back at me and said bravely "No. I'll be alright" ....... LOVE......right there, was all around!

"You sure?" I said.... she insisted, convincing me of the antiseptic wipes she had in her bag she'd use before getting in the car to go home. So, we squeezed our way down a big long line up of people waiting for some flight or another and bewildered I checked in for my luggage tags. I was busy looking around to find out where I go next with my own panic ever rising......and then I noticed Sally there helping an even more bewildered girl to navigate the check in process.....there yet again it struck me.....she was embodying that moment witnessing her act of service, her loving presence....I realized that LOVE was my main weapon in germ warfare. To stay in my BE Love ... not because I had to or should, but because it just felt better. Felt right.

In that moment I recalled Course in Miracles teaching......there's only ever 2 courses of action Fear or Love!!

From that moment on a calm instantly swept over me ...and I knew I'd be okay no matter what. And from this calmness was a deep strength...and in the heart of that was a Grace-filled Love!

Sally and I went over to the security entrance knowing this was where she'd have to leave me. I was on my own after that ...and looked at each other...tears in our eyes...and so much LOVE!

I'd already said goodbye to Phil her awesome hubby that morning and he said "sod the no hug rule" and Sally and I did the big hug later and a tearful goodbye we went our separate ways.....but still so connected energetically LOVE!

See, it really IS all around.....

I calmly went through security.... Strangely calm as that bit of travelling always gets me antsy at the best of times for some reason ... bought water and snacks and read my book at the departure gate. I messaged my loved ones to say I got through check in Brother replying with relief instantly, sending me all his love. And another dear friend Judith phoned me on whats app and we chatted...filling me with LOVE! I texted folks back in Canada too, letting them know I was okay.  The fear in the line up to board the plane was palpable...and I wasn't looking forward to being jammed into a small space with all that chaotic fear energy......"keep breathing Liza...long slow out breaths" self-soothing tools at the ready, trust ...focus on love and grace.

The flight took off and we had the most amazing flight attendants in our aisle ...they oozed loving kindness. At first I thought they'd been briefed by Air Canada on how to remain calm and keep people's anxiety at bay, but after chatting to one at the back of the plane in the washroom line up, no, I doubt it! They were awaiting news next week of job losses....

No, it was because..." we are all in this together" as one of them told an elderly passenger was because they had caught it too, this contagious Loving Grace Energy....

And they loved us all the way home to Canada.....

So, truly love is all around........if we choose love over fear!

Then on arriving and switching my phone on to discover a message that my shuttle service to Banff had closed down I had a or fear! Strangely I remained calm.....nothing I could do about it at that moment awaiting customs check . They told me I could try Brewster's instead or hotel!

I texted Art who'd earlier that day gone in convoy with my awesome friend Nancy to drop my car off in Banff so I could self isolate and drive home on my own. He said "Fuck. Brewster schedule says there's one at 18.30pm".

I asked him to call them for me.......which he did......that crazy little thing called LOVE again.....and I stayed in loving calm surrender that I'd get through the line up and run trundling my case the long distance through an empty airport in time to make it! Which I did ...and the lovely Lady at the counter (likely out of a job too by now!) was so! 

There it was again.....LOVE! And the driver was so kind...these amazing people of service...stepping up and leaning in instead of running away in fear. After all they didn't know who has the virus.....who didn't. 

Love, not Fear!

Love, not Fear!

Choose Love, not Fear!

I messaged a few more friends on the bus LOVING human angels who wanted a grocery list from me so they could stock up my fridge with food for my quarantine told me mission accomplished ...all that LOVE, I never once for a minute felt alone!

I found my car and began the last leg of my long long journey home.....usually I am asleep mouth open fly catching at this point in years of travel back and forth between my 2 homes UK and Canada......but not that night. 9pm…fueled with caffeine and adrenaline.....and Grace I began my drive home.

"Oops....brakes on my car very spongy compared to the sharp ones on the hire car....

Got to remember I'm driving on the right side of the road........

Turn on the music Liza, keep you awake......."

Wet Wet Wet....LOVE IS ALL AROUND YOU!!!! Blasted at me from the speakers...

Of course, was still in my car after using it to drive up the ski hill over NY after I'd skidded off the road into the ditch and was nervous about driving up there again 3 days later. It's a special song my Brother and I use to remind each other we are always connected by love, heart to heart.....

It's our go to when we needed a virtual hug, needed to be filled with the others love. And here it was playing on the CD.

So I drove on snowy roads, with the hypnotic flakes of snow tumbling towards me in the headlights with Love is All Around Me playing.......deeply connected to his Loving Presence!

And I made it home.......

To the fire aglow.......Art had popped up to light it for me......there it is again, LOVE!

I never slept so good that night.....not just because I was tired but because I was carried on the WINGS OF LOVE safely you all, and because I realized it is ultimately all that matters.

LOVE! I am home safe and sound in self quarantine, and taking very seriously the fact that potentially I may have been exposed to the virus or carrying it even, I will be dedicating my time to spreading this Loving Transmission I believe I was gifted with on Tuesday 17th March....



Together, we can and we will get through this!

I feel so loved, and I hope you too can drop to feeling that love is actually all around!

I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes!!

And so the feeling grows..........


We've seen in the last few weeks that fear is contagious.....maybe more so than the virus! But so too is LOVE......GRACE!

My wise enlightened teacher Brandon Bays taught me that ...that Grace is Contagious too!

Where thought even if it's just for 30 mins a day, the more we can source into the place of peace, calm, grace, love the better we will cope with the outer challenges the next few weeks and months will bring us. 

Together we will get through way or another!

The more we can pull together the more lives will be spared!

Lets care for each other in all this!

All My Love,

Liza xxx

Helpful Resources to Stay Healthy and Reduce Anxiety at this time....

I’ve put together some Resources…..that are free, simple and effective!

From my Heart to yours!

For your Physical health:

Try Hot/Cold showering ~ this is an incredible way to increase immunity by stimulating the lymphatic system. I recently watched a Gwyneth Paltrow Netflix program featuring a chap who helps people heal their bodies through cold water therapy. Whilst plunging into a cold lake or river daily is a bit much for me right now I have adopted the regime of alternating hot and cold in my shower. Ending with as cold as I can bear. Counter to my initial thinking, it actually makes me feel warmer throughout the day!

Thymus Thumping ~ the thymus gland is linked to our immune system and tapping this meridian as often as possible will stimulate the ‘chi’ the energy flow in our bodies. So simply find the center of your chest, the sternum and tap vigorously on it for a few minutes at a time, as often as you want!

Ear Do it Yourself Acupuncture ~ another simple self help tool that will help stimulate all your major organs. Take your thumb and forefinger and start at the top of your ear lobe and pinch and rub vigorously the ear moving down until you come to the lobes rub and then pull your fingers down and off to finish. Do this 3 times. You will really feel your ears come alive after doing this! It feels great!

Reflexology point for lung support ~ I listened to a reflexologist explain where the lung point is on our feet. Good to stimulate each day as a preventative measure, or if you are finding it hard to breathe due to anxiety, or if you have a cough. Its situated on the ball of your foot. Between the big toe and little toe, underneath the middle 3 toes on the pad of your foot. Massage to your comfort level this point moving down towards the arch of your foot. Stop there.

For General Anxiety try EFT tapping the Karate Chop point which is along the outer edge of your hand. This will help release some of the pent up emotional charge going on for you regardless of what it is you are experiencing. You simply just tap along the edge of your hand with your fingers…you will feel a bit silly but…nothing to loose and it does work!

Food ~ I will share more in depth info on this topic to follow in the next few days, but here’s a few quick tips:

1.)   Apple Cider vinegar 1 teaspoon, with lemon and ginger and teaspoon of honey added will boost your immunity. It alkalizes the body and is a great immune drink to have regularly.

2.)   Garlic, ginger, turmeric, oregano, thyme all great to consume lots of right now.

3.)   Consume yellow foods…like pears, onions, garlic, chicken soup they are good for lung health.

4.)   Make bone broth from chicken or beef organic bones…plenty of recipes to be found to follow online.

For your Mental/Emotional Health:

Nature Bathing ~ get outside and put your face up to the sunshine…absorb the Vitamin D in the sun. Look around at the beauty in nature and feel its stillness, feel it resting and breathe deep. Even better find a spot where the snow has melted and stand bare footed on Mother Earth….and allow your electric system to reset with Mother Earth. This is called Earthing.

Deep breathing…..the best way we can reset our Nervous System when we are feeling anxious and flooded with fear is to use this breathing trick. When in fight and flight our Sympathetic Nervous system kicks in and it creates shallow breathing getting our body ready to fight or flight, as if facing a saber tooth tiger. When we take long slow out breaths this tricks our NS to think we are safe and triggers the Parasympathetic Nervous System to kick back in. So reign in your monkey mind that tells you you don’t have time to stop and breathe, and force yourself to focus on taking long slow out breaths…….for at least 5 mins. You will rapidly start to feel better. No need for deeper in breaths (deep in breaths stimulate our fight flight response) just focus on long slow out breaths……Breathe….long and slow!

I pretend I have a straw in my mouth and purse my lips to slow the out breath down………

This works fast, and its totally free, and not only that it will remind you that you DO have control over your emotions, your physiology! A big part of this crisis is the feeling of being out of control, the chaos that is in the world triggers our inner chaos. This is a great way to bring back a sense of control, autonomy and empowerment.

For your Spirit!

Go outside and lean against the trunk of a tree and ask it to help you ground, imagine yourself as like a tree imagining you have deep roots that travel down into the earth….and ask Mother Earth to ground you. Ask her to fill you up with Peace, Calm, Love!

I will be following up in the next few days with some opportunities to join me in some guided meditations to help us soothe our panic and fear and help us come back into our hearts.


The Art of Transformation is back!!

Back by popular demand ~ why not dive into some profound and powerful inner work this Fall with my 10 week Art of Transformation course.

I absolutely love hosting this program as I get to watch a small intimate group of brave souls dive into a 10 week adventure together experiencing inner discovery, growth and transformation they would not have believed possible when signing up.

I love to witness trust building, as hearts and souls are bared and the power of loving intention proves its all that is needed to heal as each group member is lovingly held by the group. The incredible healing power of experiencing Oneness, of dissolving ego defenses as Love Conquers All never ceases to amaze me, to humble me as Grace’s presence creates magic and mystery and miracles!

There is a power like nothing else when one or more gather and focus on the intention to positively transform …..these strong prayers of intention create their own momentum which gathers potency as the weeks build on each other. By the end of the 10 weeks I sit back and feel the warm glow of witnessing new friendships being formed, bonds created that will last a lifetime, loneliness being replaced by true community and tribe!

The group of wonderful women who met last Fall continued onto A of T part 2 in the spring and continued to meet all summer long……we are about to dive in to part three Cocooning together!

Come join me on a 10 week adventure!

Justice Vezina....“Liza! She is an amazing teacher, so kind and gentle but can really dig into the crap that's holding you back in life so you can move forward! Liza was so supportive though out the process of this course and she helped me out so much! 

I'd recommend The Art of Transformation to anyone looking to improve their lives! This course is a wonderful opportunity for anyone who wants to learn, grow and heal. Liza is one of the most beautiful human beings I have ever met. You can tell that she really knows what she is teaching. She is kind, intelligent, patient, selfless, strong and so many more things. Liza is the real deal, she is an amazing teacher/healer.  Yes! Liza can guide you into seeing the things that are holding you back so that you can build a better life for yourself.

The constellation work was seriously ground breaking in this course. I still don't quite understand how it works but it is a powerful healing tool. Participating in the course has not only positively changed my life but it has improved my families life as well! Thank you so much Liza!"

Go to my Art of Transformation Course page for more details or call Liza on 250 344 5206 email:

Transform. Renew. Inspire. 3 One Day Retreats

I’m delighted to be facilitating 3 one day Constellation retreats along with a free intro talk Friday evening before the day events kick off.

Friday 26th April 7pm……bring a friend and come find out what Constellation is all about. Its a powerful method of healing your family ancestral lineage as well as helping see any life issue from a different perspective.

Saturdays 27th April, 4th May an 11th May we will dive in deeply together and co create a sacred safe container where healing movements take place in ways one can only describe as mystical and phenomenal!

For more information call Liza on 250 344 5206.

The Art of Transformation 10 Week Course

Coming soon for January 2019............ Art of Transformation 10 week Course in GOLDEN

Every Wednesday from January 23rd to 27th March, 2019 in Golden, BC.

This course offers you unique opportunities to learn the tools to transform your life and create inner lasting shifts. Through unique exercises, activities and meditations you will be guided to connect with your own inner resources and learn how to create the life transformations you desire.

Here’s what past participants have to say about The Art of Transformation………….

Isabelle Simard.....“I would absolutely recommend this course....Best 'me' time anyone can give themselves. Liza builds instant trust in the group and she is the most gentle guide. I felt so supported in my journey and i feel healed.”

Cat Gibbs....."For anyone who is ready to open to something a little bit different in their healing process, a bit of mystery perhaps I would definitely recommend this course.....there is definitely something magical about healing in a group. Liza has a quiet strength and wisdom with an incredibly diverse tool box for facilitating healing and inner growth. She has a strong intuitive sense of what might be needed at any given moment by an individual."

Justice Vezina....“Liza! She is an amazing teacher, so kind and gentle but can really dig into the crap that's holding you back in life so you can move forward! Liza was so supportive though out the process of this course and she helped me out so much! 

I'd recommend The Art of Transformation to anyone looking to improve their lives! This course is a wonderful opportunity for anyone who wants to learn, grow and heal. Liza is one of the most beautiful human beings I have ever met. You can tell that she really knows what she is teaching. She is kind, intelligent, patient, selfless, strong and so many more things. Liza is the real deal, she is an amazing teacher/healer.  Yes! Liza can guide you into seeing the things that are holding you back so that you can build a better life for yourself.

The constellation work was seriously ground breaking in this course. I still don't quite understand how it works but it is a powerful healing tool. Participating in the course has not only positively changed my life but it has improved my families life as well! Thank you so much Liza!"

On this course you will discover how to:-

Learn how to create lasting transformation in your life

Release destructive beliefs and old habit patterns

Gain a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment

Live from a place of deep Gratitude

Learn the secrets to manifesting

Relax and live life now, not from some imaginary future

Be led by a sense of wonder and curiosity

Enjoy freedom from anxiety, fear and other life sapping emotions

Experience more creative inspiration, inner peace and harmony

The Course Format :~

The Art of Transformation course will unfold over 10 weeks commencing Wednesday January 23rd to March 27th, 2019 and consisting of the following elements:

Group gatherings (Every Wednesday evening 7-9.30pm) to be held at Liza's home.

Weekly topics include; prayer of intention, changing old beliefs, dealing with emotions, gratitude, constellation work, body, mind, spirit, communing with nature, and final celebration!

Coaching support in the form of email/phone calls providing extra inspiration and should you need extra encouragement, or feel stuck in between session I am available to help support you in your process

Home study exercises to keep the forward momentum and transformational energy flowing

All relevant course materials

Cost is $345

Would you like to embark on an intentional journey of transformation guided gently and expertly along the way? Surprises are guaranteed, along with lots of fun, laughter, and illumination.

What you are looking for, whether it be more joy, happiness, peace or love, already exists inside you.

Winter 2019 dates and details are as follows:

January 23rd to March 27th, 2019
TIME : Weekly on Wednesdays, 7-9:30pm
LOCATION : Liza’s home 605 Golden Donald Upper Road

Meditation and Mantra Evenings

Join Life Coach Liza Hindmarch

For 3 evenings of meditation and mantra

Sunday 3rd, 10th and 17th December 2017

5.30pm til 6.30pm

At Golden Yoga Studio

Are you feeling the pressure of Christmas mounting?

Could you do with some help to calm fraught nerves and pre- Christmas overwhelm?

The dark nights and lack of light pulling you down?

 Come join Liza as she guides you into deep states of peace and inner stillness. Experience the power of mantra and music to enhance a deep letting go of the chatter of the mind.

Cost:~ $45

(drop in fee for single evening participation $20)

Call Liza on 344 5206 or email to register

Art Of Transformation.......are you game?

So last winter a brave group of 7 amazing women gathered in Invermere to embark on a 10 week journey of transformation together with me! Always in awe of people's trust in me, and trust in whatever divine guidance within them draws them to sign up for my course, I excitedly anticipated the magic that I knew would unfold! And indeed it did!

I've run this course 6 times now, with 6 different groups of people and it just keeps on getting yet more and more powerful. I guess it has something to do with the morphic field (Rupert Sheldrake) which each prior participant helps to make even stronger, but from the first evening of this last A of T I just knew the transformations would be tremendous. These brave heroic women dived in deeper than ever before from the very first evening, sharing so deeply with each other it even took them aback! What I love so much about facilitating this course is how readily we are to open our hearts, when a sacred safe space is created, and to genuinely want to support the growth and healing in each other.

As a workshop junkie myself for many years I am no stranger to the strange synchronistic phenomena that takes place when one or more are gathered with like minded intent to heal. Almost miraculously another participant holds up the perfect mirror to reflect to us the very same issue we are grappling with, or to speak the the sharing circle many words of wisdom from the heart are shared mysteriously helping another.........

And we all held each other through the inevitably painful process of shedding old skins and rebirthing into the new! None so profound or intense as one courageous young woman Justice Vezina who has given me permission to share her story and experience of transformation with you below.......

I never cease to be humbled by the strength of spirit and ability we have to survive adversity and not only that but to strive to THRIVE! Justice joined one of many children who had to endure her parents painfully divorcing and it drove her to find relief in the intense feelings in drugs and alcohol at the tender age of 13. Ever since she battled low self esteem and had sadly been in rehab a few times. As an alcoholic she knew how serious her binges were when she fell off the wagon. Which she did after one evening at A of T when the topic of self love and body image were discussed. This tender topic popped open everyone in the group one by one, like popcorn POP, POP, POP! and emotions were raw and exposed. Tears flowed and we all united in the sad state of much women struggle to love and nurture their bodies and self image.

I knew to check in with Justice next day, however sadly I was not quick enough to head off at the pass a drinking binge......Justice was already in hospital when I got a hold of her. Just new to Invermere and with no family or long term friends around she was scared and alone. 

I take my responsibility to hold space for each course participant VERY seriously so with a bit of gentle persuasion Justice agreed to me hopping in the car and zooming to the hospital. Where I witnessed all that is wrong in our shaming our culture is towards people overwhelmed with life, with emotions too big for them to contain or process on their own and who turn to other means of numbing and coping. I found Justice behind a curtain in a lonely hospital bed....and my heart bled for her. How she needed love, non judgment and above all else compassion and empathy. My heart opened to this brave young woman as she told me her story.........

I have always believed love conquers all and indeed it did that day.......she began what was to be a week of transformation almost beyond belief, and beyond her wildest dreams! I drove her to a detox house in Cranbrook where she bravely dried out and was able to rejoin our group the next Friday night where we used a powerful group process to transform deep family entanglements for and with each other. It involved role play but goes way beyond this and the evening was full of phenomenal synchronicity where everyone let go of old baggage that had been holding them back for a very long time.........

Justice let go of feeling responsible for her Dad, and handed back to her Mom symbolically the torch of alcoholism. She was lovingly supported by the rest of the group. She literally looked different the following Friday as did all the group.So much so we all commented on it in amazement!

I am delighted to say Justice flew home the week after the course finished and has been sober ever since! Here's her own words to describe her experience of transformation.......

Maybe it will inspire you to dive in............Art of Transformation in Golden begins 17th October and in Invermere 19th October!

Justice :~  "I knew the course was something that I had to take.

Going though The Art of Transformation has helped me understand and manage my addictions. I feel more grounded and better able to love myself after taking this course! 

I loved how we all got to chose our own personal intention to work with throughout the 7 week workshop. This intention is a beautiful, positive thing that I will always carry with me. I liked that every week was different and that we were supported in a group of people who were all working towards transforming something in their lives.  

I've grown a lot as a person. My relationships with my parents and with myself are much healthier. Taking this course was an investment in myself and it was so very worth it. I didn't know what I was getting into but a transformation has truly taken place in my life. I totally fell apart taking this course but Liza helped me put all my pieces back together and now my life is truly better than ever!

Liza! She is an amazing teacher, so kind and gentle but can really dig into the crap that's holding you back in life so you can move forward! Liza was so supportive though out the process of this course and she helped me out so much! 

I'd recommend The Art of Transformation to anyone looking to improve their lives! This course is a wonderful opportunity for anyone who wants to learn, grow and heal. Liza is one of the most beautiful human beings I have ever met. You can tell that she really knows what she is teaching. She is kind, intelligent, patient, selfless, strong and so many more things. Liza is the real deal, she is an amazing teacher/healer.  Yes! Liza can guide you into seeing the things that are holding you back so that you can build a better life for yourself.

The constellation work was seriously ground breaking in this course. I still don't quite understand how it works but it is a powerful healing tool. Participating in the course has not only positively changed my life but it has improved my families life as well! Thank you so much Liza!"

UPDATE JULY 6 months on........

"Hi Liza

So it's been 5 months already since I took the Art of Transformation course! I am really so thankful that I found you and took part in this healing program. I'm still flabbergasted about the constellation work! It was so amazing, I'm still feeling the effects and it has truly helped me so much. You're such an amazing women and I hope everything is going great for you in the mountains 💗 💗 💗 Manitoba is treating me well and I'm doing really awesome. I've been sober since the program and mostly succeeding in a healthy lifestyle 😊 I am heading down to Costa Rica in November to get my Yoga Teacher Training, so I'm very excited.  Well anyway, just wanted to say Thank you so much again from the bottom of my heart, people like you make this world so much brighter.

Thank you thank you thank you

Peace and Love
