Transforming your Life - From the Inside Out
/More information about The Art of Transformation course I offer over a ten week period.
“It is your mind that creates the world.”
Would you like to have simple and direct ways of accessing your creative genius, inner wisdom and divine inspiration whenever you needed to?
Wouldn't it be helpful to know where your clarity, peace of mind and happiness actually come from? And what causes them to disappear?
Imagine how liberating it would be to discover a way to rapidly and effortlessly be free of old limiting beliefs from your past that still affect your present circumstances so they no further have a hold over you?
On this course you will discover how your mind works to create the everyday reality of your life from the inside out. When you see the truth of this for yourself, an inner clarity and freedom begins to emerge and you start to notice how life seems to be flowing with you rather than against you. Realizing this is like discovering the master key that’s lain out of your reach until now - without having to 'work on' specific problems.
You will begin to:
- Go with the flow
- be led by a sense of wonder and curiosity
- experience more creative inspiration, inner peace and harmony
- feel inspired and full of energy and enthusiasm
- live from a place of deep gratitude
- trust in your inner knowing & intuition
- enjoy happiness through simply ‘being’
- gain a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment
- be filled with a sense of wonder and curiosity
- lead from the heart not the head
- have a positive impact on the world
- quit doing too much and trying too hard
- let go of struggling and striving
- Eliminate stress
- Connect with your life's passion
- Release destructive beliefs and old habit patterns
- Increase efficiency & productivity - achieve more with less effort
- Enjoy freedom from anxiety, fear and other life-sapping emotions
- Relax and enjoy your life now, not in some imaginary future
These benefits, and many more besides arise quite naturally as positive side-effects of becoming more aligned with your own true nature and by tapping into your creative genius.
Below are some of the premises that The Art of Transformation is based upon:
- The only truly lasting and effective way to enhance your life in the outer world is to transform your inner world so that you are living as an expression of your true innate nature which is naturally joyful, abundant and limitless.
- When transformation occurs on the inner planes our outer life effortlessly aligns to provide you with all manner of amazing manifestations of abundance. This is a spiritual law that the Universe obeys at all times ~ as above so below!
- It is our thoughts that create our reality ~ discover how to change our thoughts and the rest will take care of itself.
- We have the wholeness, wisdom, divine presence, peace of mind, creativity, love, happiness and well-being that we seek already inside us ~ we just need to uncover its existence and allow it to radiate.
- Uncovering these aspects of our innate nature may be easier than you think ~ in fact when we take ‘left brain thinking’ out of the equation and allow ‘right brain being’ and ‘no-thing-to-do’ to lead the way an effortlessness comes in that is quite delightful.
- It is never too late to transform your life ~ as you transform your thoughts so the past and future have less hold on you as you move into the abundance of living moment to moment in the bountiful present.
The old paradigm tells us to believe that life happens to us, but new metaphysics and science is now telling us that in fact life is being created inside each and every one of us, all the time! What this gifts us with is also the information with which to master our own lives….instead of being tossed around in the ocean of life experience like little boats we now have the ability to understand that we can manipulate life and transform it into the kind of life experiences we want. It has now become our choice as to what kind of ocean of life we would like to experience…..the calm peaceful waters or the thrill and excitement of a choppy sea. No longer are we to feel a victim to life. There is a way to gain mastery….to become the captain of our own ship!
This course is based on two powerful truths that ancient wisdom teachings have laid out throughout the ages that 1.)what you are looking for whether it be more joy, happiness, peace or love already exists inside you and that 2.) no-one else's advice or guidance will ever be as valuable as your own genuine insight that comes to you from within.
This course offers you unique opportunities to connect with your own inner wisdom, inspiration, and creativity. Through unique exercises, activities and guided visualization just the right synergy and optimum conditions are created that will allow you to connect with your own inner resources. What’s more these moments of clarity usually come in just an instant and we will show you why and how to repeat them at will.
If you reflect on the significant life decisions, realizations, creative moments and transformational breakthroughs you’ve have experienced in your life thus far you may have noticed that the deepest transformations are always ones that come experientially (often unexpectedly too!) and they always happen inside of yourself. Such transformations are often as a result of taking ourselves outside our usual comfort zones, whether it be through the vehicle of the intellect or through an emotional or physical experience life has challenged us with. The gifts and lessons that come from these experiences are frequently life changing, showing us inner resources we didn’t know we had ~ and can only be discovered for ourselves.
Would you like to embark on an intentional journey of transformation guided gently and expertly along the way? Surprises are guaranteed, along with lots of fun, laughter and illumination.
This course will provide you with the tools to:
- Gain understanding of the universal age old principles that underpin all of life’s experiences, giving you the freedom to master your own life through consciously transformation
- Eliminate those things you don’t want to show up in your life, and increase the manifestation of those you do!
- Uncover old limiting beliefs, and hidden unconscious patterns that have acted like silent saboteurs and blocked you from creating the life you truly want ~ until now!
- Learn simple, gentle and effective methods to transform your life!
The next Art of Transformation course will unfold over 10 weeks commencing October 11th and ending December 13th consisting of the following elements:
- 2 hour group gatherings (Every Thursday evening) to be held at Liza’s home
- weekly topics include; prayer of intention, changing old beliefs, dealing with emotions, gratitude, constellation work, body, mind, spirit, communing with nature, and final celebration!
- Coaching support in the form of email/phone calls providing extra inspiration and should you need extra encouragement, or feel stuck in between sessions we are available to help support you in your process
- Home study exercises to keep the forward momentum and transformational energy flowing
- All relevant course materials
Preregistration is required.